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  • NVRC Membership 2024

    As we approach the end of this year’s membership, it is time to renew your membership for 2024.  The committee would like to thank you...

  • Nidd Valley Riding Club 2023

    As many of our members may already know, a new committee was voted in at our AGM on 26th January 2023.  Vicki Forbes has taken...

  • Membership

    Its that time of year again when membership subscriptions are due.  Please visit our membership page Membership & Volunteering to get information on rejoining or...

  • Times for Halloween Show Jumping

    Times Good Luck and we look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday!

  • Halloween Show Jumping

    Don’t forget our up coming Halloween Show Jumping at Askam Bryan on 29th October 2022.  Everyone welcome!!! Halloween Show Jumping Schedule

  • Presentation Evening and Social 10th March 2022

    We are holding a Presentation evening and social on Thursday 10 th March at the Rockingham Arms, Main Street, Towton, Tadcaster LS24 9PB at 7.30...

  • Lessons are resuming

    Further to the government announcement last week and new guidelines issued by BRC, we are pleased to announce we will be resuming riding club activities...

  • Latest advice from BRC

    Please click link to read the latest advice from British Riding Clubs BRC Update 6 January 2021

  • Latest advice from BHS

    England – National Lockdown 4 January 2021: England is now under a National Lockdown and there are new restrictions in place which will impact on...

  • Latest Update 1st November 2020

    Recent advice from the government stating a national lockdown from Thursday this week, will mean unfortunately we will have to suspend riding club activities. If...