Recent advice from the government stating a national lockdown from Thursday this week, will mean unfortunately we will have to suspend riding club activities.
If you have booked and paid for a lesson you can apply for a lesson refund by contacting your lesson organiser by email no later than Friday 6th November, giving the following details
1. your name as it appears on your bank statement
2. which lesson you have booked,
3. your bank details,( account number, sort code and whether it is a private or business account),
4. the date and reference you paid the club,
5. how much you paid
Alternatively, you may take a credit note to pay for lessons when they resume. If you wish to do this please e mail your lesson organiser who will note it with our treasurer.
We at Nidd Valley are extremely sorry we have to cancel lessons, however we must abide by government and BRC advice. We want to keep all our members and volunteers safe and look forward to a full schedule of events once restrictions are lifted.
Louise Downie
Nidd Valley Chair