Poles/Gridwork with Leanne Heslop

Pole/Gridwork 10am – 1pm Suitable for all Abilities Please advise what level you working at in the special requests Note Times will be emailed  by diary@horsevents.co.uk  PLEASE CONTACT THE ORGANISER with any queries  to  secretary@niddvalleyridingclub.org.uk  

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Polework/Jumping Clinic with Leanne Heslop

Pole/Jump  clinic and will include and build on – Technique & Confidence Balance and Rhythm Suppleness & Elasticity Strides and Distances Suitable for all Abilities as the exercises will be adjusted to suit Please advise what level you working at in the special requests Note Times will be emailed  by diary@horsevents.co.uk Times...

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Arena Eventing Training with Leanne Heslop

Come and have fun while practicing your Arena Eventing skills over a variety of fences and jumps. Lessons open to all levels 50cm upwards 10am – 1pm Askham Bryan College indoor arena in groups of 3 for 1 hour Add in special requests the level you are training at. PLEASE CONTACT...

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Pole/Jump/Gridwork with Kath Inman

Pole/Jump/Grid with Kath Inman 10am – 1pm Askham Bryan College indoor arena Lessons  open to all levels Note Times will be emailed by diary@horsevents.co.uk  Please add in special  requests if you require poles or jump, and what level you are  working at and ensure you are familiar with  the cancellation policy located on www.niddvalleyridingclub.org.uk PLEASE CONTACT THE ORGANISER...

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XC course walk at Allerton Park

Local event rider, Josie Proctor has kindly agreed to lead a course walk on the evening of Friday 20th September.  Josie will explain how she would ride each fence on course and explain the questions that the course designer is asking. Please meet at the start box at 5.45pm for...

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Grid Work with Kath Inman

Pole/Jump with Kath Inman 6pm – 9pm  Askham Bryan College indoor arena Lessons are open to all levels Note:  Times will be emailed by diary@horsevents.co.uk Please add in special  requests if you require poles or jump and what level you working at PLEASE CONTACT THE ORGANISER with any queries  to  secretary@niddvalleyridingclub.org.uk Please visit www.horsevents.co.uk/nvrc  to book...

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Polework/Jumping with Shaun Malpass

Polework/Jump Clinic at Askham Bryan indoor arena. 6pm – 9pm  groups of 2 for 45  or 3 for 60 minutes  Poles or Jump Please add in special  requests if you require poles only or jump and what level you working at  Note Times will be Emailed  from  –  diary@horsevents.co.uk Shaun is well known in...

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Drill Riding

We are running some Drill Riding sessions which Sarah Brown has kindly agreed to organise. They are taking place at Askham Bryan on 17th August, 24th August, 19th October 2023 between 7.00 and 8.00 pm with Sue Tarling. Sue  Tarling  is a new instructor to the club and is a...

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Cross Country Techniques with Eleanor Mercer

Eleanor Mercer  BHS Level 4 Accredited Professional Coach Cross Country Techniques made easy using show jumps.  Taking even the most technical of cross country exercises and turning them into easily understandable segments for the horse and rider.  Over the weeks working on skinnies, angles, corners, and ditch (simulated) combinations. Create firm...

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XC Schooling with Jan Brown at Foxberry Chasers

Groups of 3 with a maximum of 4 if required to fit everyone in. Sessions can be in the schooling field and on the main XC course depending on ability. Jumps from 45cm to 1.05cm. Schooling field enclosed area with 45 – 80 cm jumps with ditches, banks, skinny fences...

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