Event details
- Sunday | 19th June 2022
- 9:00 am
- Helen Bell Equestrian
The classes are as follows, for teams or individuals.
- Senior 80 cm jumping team or individual- BE 90 dressage 91(2009)
- Senior 90 cm jumping team or individual -BE 90 dressage 95(2012)
- Senior 100 cm jumping team or individual- BE 100 dressage101 (2009)
- Senior 100+ cm jumping team or individual- BE novice dressage 110 (2012)
- Senior Open HT 80 jumping – BE 90 dressage 91 (2009) individuals only for this class
If you wish to compete, teams are made up of 4 riders, with 3 scores to count towards the final team score. The cost per entry is £200 for a team and £50 for an individual.
If you would like to be considered for a team please contact: Louise Downie email chair@niddvalleyridingclub.org.uk and attach a team interest form (which can be downloaded from the web site by selecting ‘whats on’ then ‘qualifiers’) ahead of the deadline below.
Entries close for Nidd Valley Riding Club on Monday 14th May 2022.
You must be available for the Championships which are on the 5th -7th August 2022. Venue: Swalcliffe Park Equestrian, Grange Farm, Swalcliffe, Banbury, Oxon OX15 5EX. If you qualify for the championship you may be required to take a volunteer on the day to help. You will also be required to help at another riding club event if you take part on a Qualifer.
Nidd Valley Riding Club encourages all our members to have a go at competing, if you require any further information or have any questions, please do ask.